Monday, 28 September 2009

this is a midshot picture. it shows my face up close, but still shows th enviroment in the background.

this is a long shot picture of me. It was taken just outside the media classes. The pictures shows me and the enviroment surrounding me, setting the scene.

Friday, 25 September 2009

I editted this picture myself. It shows my obsession of venom from the spiderman comic series. I did this by taking a picture of myself and finding the right image of venom from google. My picture was a midshot of myself while the venom shot was a wide shot.
After, i opened the pictures up on photoshop and used the lasso tool to cut my head from the picture of me to venoms picture. i then used the smudge tool to get the toungue and sharp teeth to appear on my face plus to make my head fit in with the picture.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

About myself

Hello im Brett(also known as bruce).
Im from manchester but now im in hurtwood house. Im doing AS media and even though theres alot of work involved, i enjoy it alot. With this blog you will get to see my work and hopefully my films and posters. I Chose media beacause im one of those guys who watches too many films. i enjoy mainly comedy and horror movies. apart from movies, i also enjoy music alot. i mainly like heavy rock music and drum n bass, which most people dont enjoy and i also play guitar when i have a chance to . Hopefully ill be doing this subject for the next 2 years. a few of my faviourte movies are: Napoleon dynamite, Hills have eyes, Pulp fiction and many more. Best tv show in my opinion is family guy or south park.

so i hope you guys enjoy the blog! Have a look anytime you want but try not to stalk me.